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Curriculum Vitae

Josep Daniel i Gubert (Barcelona 1934). (Barcelona 1934). With a double (Spanish and Swiss) nationality, he is Graduate in Economic and Business Sciences (Intendente Mercantil-1955) of the High School of Commerce in Barcelona. Assistant Professor at the same School (1957-1962). He developed his whole professional career within the Nestlé group (1957-2002).

Main responsibilities in Nestlé, Spain (1957-1975) he creates the department of Market Research and is successively appointed marketing manager of Helados Camy, marketing manager of Nestlé and finally general manager at Nestlé España S.A. (since the creation of the company in 1920 Josep Daniel has been the first Spaniard holding such a position).

At the head office of Nestlé in Vevey, Switzerland (1975-1998), he was member of the Managing Direction as Executive Vice-President (first Spaniard in such a position) and was responsible, at different periods, for the business of Nestlé in Africa, Middle East, Latin América, Asia and Oceania. He carried out as well the functions of head of Purchasing, Exports, Human Resources and Training, being also in charge of the non-food activities of Nestlé (Alcon-ophthalmology and Galderma-dermatology). Besides, he represented the investments of Nestlé in l’Oréal (19 tears as a member of its Board of Directors). During the existence of the Executive Committee (1981-1986), he was one of the three members of the Committee which jointly with a German and a Swiss colleagues managed collectively the world-wide business of Nestlé. He was also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nestlé España S.A. up to his retirement (1996-2002).

Just before his retirement at Nestlé Josep Daniel I Gubert has been Academic Correspondent for Switzerland of the Spanish Royal Academy of Economic and Finance Sciences (RACEF). During his 23 years in such a position he has decisively contributed to extent and consolidate the relationship of the Academy with personalities and Institutions of the Swiss Confederation, namely with the Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe of which Josep Daniel is member of the Foundation Council since 1987.

Now, back to Spain after 50 years in Switzerland, the RACEF has two prestigious personalities as Correspondent Academics for Switzerland, Mr. Jean-Pierre Danthine and Mr. Gilles Grin.

Publications. He is the author of the book The European Union and the new generations (2014) published in four languages. He has written eighteen scientific works published in collective books of the RACEF, as well as a number of articles and works in specialized magazines.

Honours. Encomienda de la Orden de Isabel la Católica (1987), Comendador de Número de la Orden del Mérito Civil (1998), Officier y Commandeur de l’Ordre National de la Côte d’Ivoire (1981 and 1985 respectively).

. Honorary Academic of the Spanish Royal Academy of Economic and Finance Sciences (2024).

Updated, February 2024    

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